• By w@gner
  • 25 de September de 2024

Understanding Multithreading in Swift: Background Tasks, Parallel Calls, Queued Execution, and Grouping

Understanding Multithreading in Swift: Background Tasks, Parallel Calls, Queued Execution, and Grouping

Understanding Multithreading in Swift: Background Tasks, Parallel Calls, Queued Execution, and Grouping 1024 1024 w@gner

Understanding Multithreading in Swift: Background Tasks, Parallel Calls, Queued Execution, and Grouping

When building modern applications, especially with SwiftUI, it's essential to understand how to perform tasks concurrently or in the background. Multithreading allows apps to handle long-running tasks, like network requests or heavy computations, without freezing the user interface. Let's dive deep into multithreading, background calls, parallel execution, task ordering with queues, and task grouping using Swift and SwiftUI.

Key Concepts of Multithreading

  1. Background Tasks: These are tasks performed off the main thread, typically used for tasks like fetching data from the network or processing data that doesn't require immediate UI updates.

  2. Parallel Execution: Multiple tasks can run simultaneously on different threads or CPU cores. This increases efficiency when tasks are independent of each other.

  3. Serial Execution with Queues: You can create queues where tasks are performed one after another. This is useful when order matters.

  4. Task Grouping: Sometimes, you want several tasks to finish before proceeding to the next step. Task groups help in waiting for all related tasks to complete before continuing.

DispatchQueue: The Core of Multithreading in Swift

Swift provides a powerful API through DispatchQueue to perform tasks asynchronously and concurrently. Using the GCD (Grand Central Dispatch) framework, you can create both serial and concurrent tasks.

Main vs. Background Threads

  • Main Thread: All UI updates must be performed here.
  • Background Thread: Non-UI tasks like downloading files or processing data should be handled on background threads.

Here’s a breakdown of different threading strategies with examples:

Example 1: Performing Background Tasks

struct BackgroundTaskView: View {
    @State private var result = "Processing..."

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Button("Start Task") {

    func startBackgroundTask() {
        DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
            let fetchedData = performHeavyComputation()
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                self.result = "Result: \(fetchedData)"

    func performHeavyComputation() -> String {
        // Simulate a long-running task
        return "Data Loaded"

Here, the heavy computation runs in the background using DispatchQueue.global(), while the UI updates are brought back to the main thread with DispatchQueue.main.async.

Example 2: Running Tasks in Parallel

Sometimes you need to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, for instance, fetching data from multiple APIs. You can use a concurrent queue:

struct ParallelTasksView: View {
    @State private var result1 = ""
    @State private var result2 = ""

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Button("Start Parallel Tasks") {

    func fetchParallelData() {
        let queue = DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInitiated)

        queue.async {
            self.result1 = downloadDataFromAPI1()

        queue.async {
            self.result2 = downloadDataFromAPI2()

    func downloadDataFromAPI1() -> String {
        return "API 1 Data"

    func downloadDataFromAPI2() -> String {
        return "API 2 Data"

Here, both API calls run concurrently on the same background queue, allowing them to complete faster.

Example 3: Using Dispatch Groups for Grouping Tasks

Dispatch groups are used when you want to start multiple tasks and wait for all of them to finish before proceeding.

struct GroupTasksView: View {
    @State private var result = "Waiting..."

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Button("Run Group Tasks") {

    func runGroupedTasks() {
        let group = DispatchGroup()
        let queue = DispatchQueue.global(qos: .utility)

        queue.async {
            let data1 = downloadDataFromAPI1()
            print("Finished API 1")

        queue.async {
            let data2 = downloadDataFromAPI2()
            print("Finished API 2")

        group.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main) {
            self.result = "All tasks completed"

    func downloadDataFromAPI1() -> String {
        return "API 1 Data"

    func downloadDataFromAPI2() -> String {
        return "API 2 Data"

In this example, we use a DispatchGroup to wait for both API calls to finish. Once both tasks are done, group.notify is called on the main thread to update the UI.

Example 4: Serial Queues for Ordered Task Execution

If task order matters, you can use a serial queue to ensure tasks are executed one after the other.

struct SerialQueueView: View {
    @State private var log = "Starting...\n"

    var body: some View {
        ScrollView {
            Button("Start Serial Queue") {

    func startSerialTasks() {
        let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.example.serialqueue")

        serialQueue.async {
            logMessage("Task 1 started")
            logMessage("Task 1 finished")

        serialQueue.async {
            logMessage("Task 2 started")
            logMessage("Task 2 finished")

        serialQueue.async {
            logMessage("Task 3 started")
            logMessage("Task 3 finished")

    func logMessage(_ message: String) {
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            self.log.append(contentsOf: message + "\n")

Here, the tasks are executed one after the other on a custom serial queue, ensuring that task 2 doesn't start before task 1 finishes.


Multithreading is a crucial aspect of modern app development. By leveraging tools like DispatchQueue and DispatchGroup, you can handle background work, parallel tasks, and ordered execution efficiently. In SwiftUI, it's essential to balance background tasks and UI updates, ensuring a responsive and smooth user experience.

Here's a summary of the key approaches discussed:

  1. Background Tasks: Perform heavy or long-running work off the main thread.
  2. Parallel Execution: Run tasks concurrently to improve efficiency.
  3. Serial Queues: Ensure tasks are performed in a specific order.
  4. Task Grouping: Synchronize multiple asynchronous tasks and continue when they all complete.